

Free expert advice

There's one thing you need to know about me before you go to the movies with me - Once the show's started - I do not take bathroom breaks. I payed too much for that movie to spend 15 minutes of it sitting on the pot. I can do that at home FOR FREE.
Anywho- I won't even take my kids at the Y to the bathroom. They're like "Crys, I need to go" and I'm like "tough luck kid- i'm watching a movie. Naw if they really need to go, I'll get one of the other councelors to take them.
Seriously guys I hate missing parts of a movie. I rather be in pain then not know whats going on. Cause you know you never hear the call at the begining when your going through cheesy intros. Nope its always at the climax.
So for my fellow movie goers, a word of advice on how not to miss the best part because you have to go.

How Not To Miss The Best Part Because You Have To Go
nifty name huh?

1) go before the movie starts~baduh
2) don't drink anything. especially soda~that's just asking for it
3) don't eat popcorn~popcorn has salt, salt makes you thirsty, then you want something to drink, and we go back to #2
that's all my of my brain fart today


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