At camp
So, I'm here a few days early.... this could possibly the understatment of thye centry. Sure, I only a a FEW day before training starts, but that doesn't sound quite as bored as i truely am right now. yesterday was awesome. THe ranchers were trying out new horses and tyhey decided that I could ride along a learn while they were working. But now hthey have a class and once again, I am all alone. the worst part... no one's online line. This is probably the only time I'll be on this week and I have no one to talk to!
OKAY! 'nough complaining. Lets get started wiht the fun. Learning the saddle a horse.
1) Catch the horse....... um yeah, those guys run... really fast...
2) brush the horse....... are they supposed to bite you during this time? How about taking the brush away from you? ... Lofer did.
3) the saddle pad.... loafer didn't like the saddle pad. he kept pushing me away with his nose... bite me again.
4) the saddle... went on pretty easily actually... no problem. Maybe I'm getting the hang of this!
5) the bridle... did you know hoses can bite even when having a chunk of metal in their mouths?
6) mounting.... Ha! How many times can one try to mount a horse in vain?I swear that horse looked back and laughed at me on my third try... everyone else did...
7) walking.... "put your hands at the horse's neck, ask him to walk and squeezehis sides with your legs," *squeeze ask... no go..... squeeze, ask.... no go... KICK! trott.... canter..... oh shoot.
8) trott, same as walk... just squeeze harder.... ha! Kick... its the only thing Loafer responds to. he did trott though... good Loafer!
9) Posting at the trott.... finally got it right... no idea how, but the guy said, "great" so i just kept doing what I was doing....
10) Trail ride.... not bad, Loafer likes trail rides... he likes trotting too.
the rest was kinda easy. At first I thought the horse hated me. Turns out, Loafer just has a vivid sense of humor...
I'm alone in a my cabin which is good in the sense that i don't have to worry about leaving with people I don't know, until tomorrow. bad in the sense that I have no one to wake me up in the morning when my alarm breaks. Second activity, running to breakfast.... 8 minutes. Made it on time though!
Thats about it so far. Not too exciting, I know, but its better than nothing.