

she got some pipes

I heard Evanesnce's new single ~Call Me When You're Sober~. A great song by the way, you should check it out. I guess its been a couple of weeks. But I hadn't gotten into til a heard Megan G. sing it at church Sunday.
Megan is by far the greatest singer I know. She's giving me some lessons too -- which means I'm beyond lucky. Getting back to the point, Megan rocked. No offense, Amy Lee, but Megan whipped you at you're own song!
I know what you're thinking -- What is an Evanesence song doing in a church? Well, my church isn't too traditional. We're having a series right now about marriage you can check it out http://www.newspring.cc
And if you wanna hear how awesome Megan's voice is, you'll have to come and check that out.
Yeah that's bout it



So here I am in the computer lab at school. These things are pretty cool, sure they smell kinda funky (or is that just the guy beside me?). Yes, I have a strange feeling that people are continiously looking over my shoulder, and it feels like its a hundred fifty degrees in here. But other than that, I don't have to worry about arguing over the computer with my sister.
I'm supposed to be doing research for my final essay in English. But you can only do that so long before you feel like your're going to die if something doesn't give.
So now I'm blogging, and checking myspaces and stuff.
Why is it that when you have to do your work and you only have an hour to get it finshed, people keeping IMing you and trying to get you to talk. But when you're bored out of your brains... no one's on. AT ALL. Not even the people I'd rather not talk to.
I need some help...
First of all, does anyone ever read these stupid things? I know I'm kinda knew and my blog pretty much sucks, but is there anyone out there?
If so, what do you do when you're out of things to do? I've already counted 453 ceiling tiles, read someone else's blog over their shoulder, tried to work through another article for research, checked to see if anyone's logged into myspace, and I still have another hour before my next class. UGHH! Some one help. I need ideas.



That's how many people were baptized tonight at New Spring.... Four hundred and two people!! I simply can't get over that. I watched as these people came down and make a public display of their relationship with God.
I knew at least half of them, they were my friends, my students, even my family. My Mom and sister both went down.
Its amazing how God is working in Anderson... I mean... Anderson , population - 25,899. That's tiny, insignificant even. And He's working such an awesome miracle through US! In addition, there's more to come! I can't wait.